Pro Boxer Ryan Garcia Detained for Alleged Vandalism, Likens Himself to Britney Spears and Trump

Key Takeaways:

– Professional boxing star, Ryan Garcia, has been accused of felony vandalism in a Beverly Hills hotel, causing an estimated $15,000 in damages.
– Garcia faces further possible charges for public intoxication.
– In response to his arrest, Garcia expressed his distress via social media, comparing himself to Britney Spears and ex-President Donald Trump.
– His arrest follows a string of controversies, including a positive drug test and mental health concerns.
– Ryan Garcia’s lawyer, Darin Chavez, stated that his client is also battling personal challenges concurrently, including his mother’s deteriorating health.


Professional boxer Ryan Garcia is embroiled in controversy following his arrest for alleged felony vandalism and potentially, public intoxication. The Waldorf Astoria in Beverly Hills was the scene of this dramatic arrest, where Garcia stands accused of causing damages amounting to $15,000.

Garcia’s Connection to Spears and Trump

Upon his arrest, Garcia took to social media where he compared his situation to that of Britney Spears and Donald Trump, expressing his distress over his current predicament. He asserted his innocence claiming he “never hurt anyone” and has only “loved and prayed for people.”

Details of the Beverly Hills Incident

According to ESPN, the incident occurred on June 8th, when Garcia was led away by the police while wearing a motorcycle helmet. The driver who drove Garcia to the hotel called the police, leading to his subsequent arrest. Disturbing details offer that the hotel has opted to press charges against Garcia for the damages sustained.

Additional Details and Garcia’s Lawyer’s Statement

Garcia’s arrest comes in the wake of a series of controversies. The New York State Athletic Commission urged Garcia to undergo a mental health evaluation before his April fight with Devin Haney, only for him to later test positive for a banned substance, throwing his victory into jeopardy.

After Garcia’s booking at the Beverly Hills Police Department, he was rushed to the hospital after complaining of a medical issue. His family had contacted the police for a wellness check just days before his arrest at the same hotel.

Darin Chavez, Garcia’s attorney, citing his client’s struggles with mental health over the years, stated that Garcia is dealing with an overwhelming emotional burden during this period.

A Plea for Support Amid Personal Hardships

Garcia’s arrest also coincides with his mother’s deteriorating health condition. Chavez stated that this has been an extraordinarily challenging time for Garcia, hoping that fans and the public would be understanding and supportive as he navigates these personal problems. He further assured that they’re committed to providing Ryan with the necessary help and resources for his immediate and long-term wellness.

Garcia went on to voice his concerns about his confinement in the hospital, stating that the medical authorities were trying to administer medicine to him, and that he was to be kept on hold for an undetermined period. He requested everyone to pray for him in these trying times.

As of now, the final decision on whether to press criminal charges against Garcia lies with the district attorney’s office. Although he’s faced with both personal and professional troubles, Garcia maintains a positive outlook, affirming his faith in Christ during these tumultuous times.

The outer world might see this as another scandal involving a professional sports star, but it is a powerful reminder that mental health concerns are serious and can affect anyone, regardless of their status or profession. These series of events underline the need for increased awareness, empathy, and action to support mental health.



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