The Mystery of Kylo Ren’s Actions in Star Wars: The Force Awakens

Questionable Actions of Kylo Ren

Adam Driver’s portrayal of Kylo Ren in Star Wars: The Force Awakens sparked words of debate among fans. His character’s questionable actions, particularly the killings of Han Solo and Lor San Tekka, left many fans questioning the storyline’s coherence.

Kylo Ren and Lor SanTekka’s Puzzling Connection

In a move that baffled fans, Kylo Ren killed Lor San Tekka to obtain valuable information about the whereabouts of iconic Jedi, Luke Skywalker. By executing Tekka, Ren aimed to destroy the only existing map to Skywalker.

However, fans question the logic of this move. There is a chance that other copies of the map could exist. Such an event would render Tekka’s assassination needless, as the Jedi master’s location would still be discoverable.

Moreover, the mere implication of a deeper connection between Ren and Tekka in the Force Awakens seems unexplored. The potential depth to Ren’s character was bypassed, resulting in a lack of complexity, which could have added a twist to the story. Fans believe this decision was possibly a plot device, designed to portray Ren’s villainous side, leading to a lack of character coherence.

Han Solo’s Unecessary Killing

No assassination stirred more controversy than Ren’s killing of Han Solo. Fans viewed this act as brutal and uncalled for. Ren’s descent into the dark side and internal strife could have been shown through diverse means, that did not involve ending Solo’s life.

Solo’s tragic departure stripped the sequel trilogy of potential narrative progressions and character buildout. The death further diminished his character, diminishing his legacy and contribution to the Star Wars legacy early on.

The Star Wars community expressed that a more befitting send-off for Solo was warranted. They argue that such a move would have reinforced his standing within the franchise and resonated more powerfully with viewers.

Consequences of the Killings

Ren’s questionable actions have left fans puzzled. They see it as an indicator of the need for robust character development and a logical plot progression. Both elements are essential, as they create narratives that audiences can relate to.

The Star Wars franchise has a vast and expanding universe. Each addition requires thoughtful and coherent plot lines to maintain viewer involvement. Without this, the narrative risks losing its grip and appeal.

Feel free to relive the controversial events by rewatching Star Wars: The Force Awakens on Disney+. Although the plot points remain debatable, they undoubtedly contribute to the intrigue that keeps viewers hooked to the expanding Star Wars universe.

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