‘Real Housewives’ Star Caroline Stanbury Planning to Expand Family at 48

Key Takeaways:
– Caroline Stanbury is ready to have another child with her boyfriend, Sergio Carrallo.
– She has undergone two rounds of in vitro fertilization and has one viable male embryo.
– Potential complications due to her history of preeclampsia, however, might require her to find a surrogate.
– This would not be the first time a “Real Housewives” star has had a child later in life. Former stars Diana Jenkins and Eboni K. Williams also became mothers in their mid-to-late 40s and 40s respectively.

Caroline Stanbury’s Baby Plans

Caroline Stanbury, a name many will recognize from the Real Housewives franchise, is looking to expand her family. At 48, she’s hoping to have a baby with her younger boyfriend, Sergio Carrallo. However, it’s been a journey for Stanbury, who has shared her experiences with in vitro fertilization (IVF) in a personal essay for Today.

She revealed that they’ve already undergone two rounds of IVF and despite the yield of several eggs, they only have one viable embryo who’s a boy. Caroline already has three kids from her previous marriage, and this new journey will be with Sergio.

Health Concerns and Potential Surrogacy

As much as Caroline is longing to become a mother again, there are potential health challenges. She had preeclampsia during her past pregnancies, causing her to consider if she can safely carry another baby to term. Despite the risks, she confessed to being somewhat indefatigable. Her doctor mentioned that she might be able to carry another child, and she’s feeling healthier than she ever has.

However, the prospect of finding a surrogate was raised. Here, it got a bit tricky. Sergio expressed some reservations about this idea on an episode of ‘Real Housewives of Dubai.’ While he wouldn’t want someone else to carry their baby, Caroline made it clear that if she can’t have the baby, Sergio might not stay.

This isn’t the First Time for a ‘Real Housewife’

The theme of becoming a mother later in life isn’t solely Stanbury’s storyline on “The Real Housewives”. Former “Real Housewives of Beverly Hills” star, Diana Jenkins, had one child at 47 and a second at 50. In addition, ex-“Real Housewives of New York” star Eboni K. Williams recently announced her first pregnancy at age 40 on Instagram.

Stanbury expressed that she is more prepared now than as a young mom. She was running a big company back then and dealing with all kinds of pressure. She has softened now and has more patience. She even joked about how the baby might turn her into a completely different person.

Even at 48, expanding a family doesn’t daunt Stanbury. Whether it’s through natural pregnancy or surrogacy, all that matters to her is bringing another life into the world. This revelation is another instance of a celebrity opening up about their family plans, adding to the ongoing discussions about carrying babies later in life, IVF, and surrogacy. No doubt, her candid dialogue expands the sphere of discourse around fertility and motherhood in society today.



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