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Lakers Could Benefit from Reacquiring Former Star, Alex Caruso

Basketball News

Basketball News

Key Takeaways:

– The Los Angeles Lakers may benefit from trading for high-level role players in the upcoming offseason.
– Alex Caruso, a title-winning player from the Lakers’ 2020 championship squad, is considered an ideal target.
– Caruso’s stellar defensive performance and impactful energetic play are elements that could elevate the Lakers’ gameplay.
– Trading first-round draft picks and other players like Austin Reaves could be a viable option to reacquire Caruso.

The NBA offseason could see the Los Angeles Lakers make some pivotal moves. One such move could be the trade for high-level role players, including former Lakers player, Alex Caruso. Zach Buckley from Bleacher Report has named Caruso as an ideal draft-day trade target.

Caruso’s Impactful Play

Caruso played a critical role in the Lakers’ 2020 championship victory, displaying ferocious defense and infectious energy – qualities that the Lakers can hugely benefit from. Buckley stated, “His [Caruso’s] energy was infectious, his defense was ferocious, and his offensive contributions always felt timely.” This indicates that Caruso is a non-star player who can potentially elevate the Lakers’ play, just like he did in 2020.

The Defensive Dynamo

Caruso’s defensive prowess has been lauded over the past seasons. He bagged All-Defensive awards in the last two seasons, proving his potential. Given that the Lakers’ defense ranked 17th this past season, Stephen Noh from The Sporting News suggested, “A defense with him [Caruso] and Anthony Davis would be virtually guaranteed top three in the league.”

Caruso as an Ideal Fit for the Lakers

In the summer of 2021, the Lakers faced a challenging choice between Horton-Tucker and Caruso, both free agents. They opted to keep Horton-Tucker with a three-year, $30.7 million deal. However, Noh believes this was a mistake, stating, “Caruso would be the perfect present-day fit on the Lakers.” Moreover, he credits Caruso’s excellent 3-point shooting ability, a quality the Lakers could greatly use.

Proposed Trade Packages

To acquire Caruso, a well-thought-out trade is necessary. The Lakers have three tradable first-round picks in the upcoming draft, which could be a tempting offer for the Chicago Bulls. Before the trade deadline, Michael Scotto of HoopsHype reported that the Bulls were asking for two first-round picks for Caruso.

A trade involving Caruso and Lakers’ Austin Reaves, alongside draft picks, could potentially work. Reaves, a young player, might pique the Bulls’ interest, and help the Lakers to save some of their picks for future trades.

Stretching Towards a Better Performance

The Lakers making a move for Caruso could be a game-changer, both for the team and Caruso himself. Combining his unique defensive proficiency and a track record of giving his best in high-pressure games, he could be the player to watch out for, lifting the Lakers in their quest for another NBA title. Only time will tell if this speculation translates into reality in the offseason.

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