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State Abortion Ban Decisions Create Political Aftershocks as Election Looms

The ACTION on Abortion Ban Laws

Almost two years ago, a conservative-majority Supreme Court upturned Roe v. Wade, a landmark decision that backed the right to abortion for nearly half a century. This turnaround started an enormous series of events in American political history.

The immediate aftermath of the overturn was indeed like an earthquake, the aftershocks of which we are still witnessing today. Thanks to the 2022 case known as Dobbs vs. Jackson, states now have the power to restrict or ban abortion in ways that have never been seen before, which is vastly unpopular.

Abortion Ban – What’s the Outcome?

This newfound power basically means that a state could completely ban abortion – and they did. As of now, abortion is prohibited in nearly every situation in 14 states.

With this, a question arises: would women who have abortions be subjected to jail time? The answer, sadly, varies, as some lawmakers affirm enthusiastically. Some states have tried to arrest women for this very reason. The former President, Donald Trump, has even said he’s open to punishing women.

Additionally, there are concerns about whether doctors and other individuals who assist in the undertaking of an illegal abortion could face legal consequences. As it appears, this is indeed the case in some instances.

Contraceptives and IVF: Under Fire as Well?

Contraceptives are also on the frontline in this ongoing battle. If you were to ask Senate Republicans, a massive number are leaning towards restricting access. In-vitro fertilization (IVF) – a technique millions of women depend on to conceive – is being targeted as well.

In Alabama, for instance, the death of unused embryos from IVF treatment can be considered murder. There is rising concern about just how much damage this could do to women’s reproductive rights.

The Political Impact of Abortion Laws

One cannot help but consider how these actions will impact politics. With 2022 being an election year, these aftershocks are causing distress for Republican election candidates across the country.

And let’s talk about numbers: approximately 63% of Americans say they can’t back a politician who supports a nationwide abortion ban. Almost 60% of independents and even about 40% of Republicans are unhappy with Roe’s overturn. Moreover, 59% of Americans still believe abortion should be allowed.

Republicans have found themselves in the limelight for opposing women’s reproductive rights one too many times. Each time they try to shake off one scandal, another puts them right back in the spotlight.

Possible Threat to IVF Access

This week, a controversial vote was taken by Southern Baptist representatives. Almost 13 million of them across the U.S voted against IVF. This was followed by Senate Republicans blocking a legislative package designed to protect IVF access.

It’s a somehow hypocritical stance, seeing as these actions limit the creation of life, a topic Republicans are known to strongly advocate for. How do we forget how popular IVF is across political divides, even amongst evangelicals? Threatening to restrict or ban it does not seem logical, especially with elections around the corner.

Roe Overturn – A Political Misfire?

It appears Republicans vastly underestimated the political consequences of the Roe overturn. Just a few months after the Dobbs case, the midterm elections turned out to be a major win for Democrats. In swing states like Michigan and Pennsylvania, voters said the most critical issue for them was abortion, debunking the usual GOP-favoring inflation or crime issues.

Of course, we must also consider factors like President Biden’s low approval ratings, an ailing economy, crime, and arising issues of immigration. Despite all these, the subject of women’s reproductive rights continues to keep Republicans on their toes and might just save Democrats and President Biden.

Closing Thoughts

Ultimately, it is clear that the decision to overturn Roe is causing countless troubles for the GOP and might severely impact their chances in the upcoming elections. This decision is proving to be a recurring issue, with its explosion felt years after the initial aftershock, possibly becoming the GOP’s final undoing.

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