Pixar Hopes to Bounce Back with Inside Out 2: Will They Be Successful?

Hey friends! Super exciting news! This weekend we are all eagerly waiting for Inside Out 2, the latest from Pixar. It’s been a bit of a rocky road for Pixar in recent times and this brand new release is expected to bring back some of the magic!

Opening Weekend Expectations for Inside Out 2

Box Office Pro is all smiles and positivity, predicting a cool $85 to $115 million opening for Inside Out 2. But remember, Pixar has had some ups and downs lately. Recall their movie Lightyear? Despite being an offshoot of the super-popular Toy Story series, it started off with a somewhat disappointing $50 million. Next came Elemental, which opened with a rather low $29 million last summer but managed to pull itself up to a decent $150 million plus. That’s some grit, right?

Reviews for Inside Out 2

Inside Out 2 hasn’t been raved about quite like the original but it’s getting decent reviews. The first Inside Out, released nine years back, started with $90 million and ended up with a whopping $350 million plus. Now that’s a benchmark Inside Out 2 would love to match!

The Impact of Disney Plus and the Pandemic on Pixar

Pixar hit a few speed bumps when it chose to roll out its movies directly on Disney Plus during the pandemic. This, coupled with the decrease in cinema visits, meant that families became picky about their movie viewing. With ticket prices being high and budgets being tighter, it’s no wonder that audiences haven’t been as large.

But Hope Springs Eternal!

Despite these challenges, Inside Out 2 is estimated to make a respectable $60 million for its opening weekend. A bit optimistic, you say? Well, we’re keeping our fingers crossed!

Other Box Office Predictions

Meanwhile, let’s not forget about Bad Boys: Ride or Die. It’s expected to hold on to its number 2 spot, falling by 50% to $27 million. The Garfield Movie, however, might lose out due to Inside Out 2 taking away its family audience. As a result, it could drop to third place with around $6 million.

In fourth place, we might find IF, a movie by John Krasinski, with about $5 million. WB’s The Watchers, following a decrease in audience interest this week, may slide down to 6th place. Just ahead of it, Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes might earn around $3 million.

Summarizing Our Predictions For This Weekend

Here’s a quick look at what we’ve predicted for the weekend:

– Inside Out 2: $60 million
– Bad Boys: Ride or Die: $27 million
– The Garfield Movie: $6 million
– IF: $5 million
– Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes: $3 million
– The Watchers: Lower than $3 million

Now, your turn! What do you think Inside Out 2 will earn? We’d love to hear your guesses. Don’t hesitate to share your thoughts in the comments! Enjoy your movie time!

For more details, visit Project Casting Blog on https://www.projectcasting.com/blog/news/inside-out-2-pixars-potential-comeback-in-the-box-office/


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