Zazie Beetz Shines in Muschiettis’ Scary Movie ‘They Will Kill You’

Hear that sound? It’s the sound of horror fans everywhere squealing with excitement! Hollywood’s favorite spookmeisters, Andy and Barbara Muschietti, are serving us some fresh scares with their brand new project, ‘They Will Kill You’. This film, delivered under their new horror hub with Skydance, titled ‘Nocturna’, promises to blow your mind!

Superstar Zazie Beetz Catches the Spotlight

First up, let’s hear it for Zazie Beetz! She’s grabbing the spotlight in ‘They Will Kill You’. You might remember her from blockbusters like ‘Joker’, ‘Bullet Train’, and ‘Deadpool 2’. In this new role, she plays a woman who unwittingly walks into a whirlpool of mystery as a housekeeper in a shady New York City high-rise loaded with unexplained disappearances. Exciting, right?

Meet the Crew behind ‘They Will Kill You’

An exciting project like this surely has a stellar crew, right? Well, you guessed it! The squad behind ‘They Will Kill You’ is a total dream team. Besides the Muschiettis, we also have David Ellison, Dana Goldberg, Don Granger, and Dan Kagan. And adding more brainpower to the mix are the co-heads of Nocturna, Russell Ackerman and John Schoenfelder.

Say Hello to the Director and Screenwriter

Ready to meet the wizard behind the camera? ‘They Will Kill You’ is directed by none other than Kirill Sokolov. This guy is known for his quirky dark humor. You might remember his work in the rib-tickling thrillers ‘No Looking Back’ and ‘Why Don’t You Just Die?’. As for the words that bring the story to life, Sokolov teams up with Alex Litvak on the screenplay. Litvak’s others works include ‘Predators’ and ‘The Three Musketeers’. The man knows his stuff, folks!

Nocturna: A Fresh Playground for Horror Fanatics

Remember how everyone went ooh-aah when ‘Nocturna’ was first announced? Well, Dana Goldberg from Skydance couldn’t help but gush over the Muschietti duo’s knack for making creepy event films that send chills down everyone’s spine, globally! And don’t worry, they are just as excited about ‘Nocturna’ as we are. Looks like ‘They Will Kill You’ is all set to pioneer Nocturna’s mission to thrill us horror freaks with top-notch entertainment!

Your Thoughts on ‘They Will Kill You’

So, what’s your take on all this? Are you excited to see Zazie Beetz conquer the screen in ‘They Will Kill You’? Does the film sound like your cup of tea? Let us know, we would love to hear from you!

In Conclusion

All things considered, ‘They Will Kill You’ is making quite a wave. Its star-studded cast and top-notch crew promise to deliver a horror masterpiece. So, fasten your seatbelts, folks! This roller coaster ride under the new ‘Nocturna’ banner is about to take off! Let’s keep our eyes peeled for more updates!

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