Snyder’s Watchmen Ending Bit The Dust Due To 9/11 Sensitivity

Zack Snyder, an ace in the DC Universe, skillfully unveiled Watchmen back in 2009. Based on a DC Comics limited series by the same name, it was a huge hit from 1986-87. Snyder’s take on this dystopian tale was nothing short of amazing, despite its tricky nature.

A Big Leap Into The Unknown

Snyder delved into a world marked by dystopia. Here, he faced hurdles galore. But guess what? He successfully overcame them by making smart decisions about casting and color schemes. This type of approach later became his signature in related DC ventures.

Changes in the Watchmen Storyline

Snyder is a man who isn’t afraid to take risks, as seen in Man of Steel. He dared to tweak the tone of the Watchmen story. Sure, this shift from the comics sparked debate. Yet, Snyder stood firm. Why? He wanted to align his film with what American audiences felt.

The Twist in the Watchmen Ending

Heads Up: Major Spoilers Ahead For Watchmen Movie!

Snyder was on a mission. His aim? To keep the comics’ originality while adapting Watchmen. However, some parts had to go for this to happen. One such part was the eerie ending featuring New York in ruins.

Why the change? David Hayter, the scriptwriter, spilled the beans on the Script Apart podcast. The ending of the comic was just too evocative of the 9/11 tragedy. Hayter added, “We didn’t want to draw on the tragedy of 9/11 with imagery of dead bodies in Times Square. It should be more like the Hiroshima shadows in the comic.”

Snyder: The Balance Between Old and New

The original series by Dave Gibbons and Alan Moore charted a dark course. It dealt with taboo subjects such as superheroes, destruction, and death. However, post 9/11, this kind of story would have not gone down well.

Snyder tweaked this narrative in the film. Who’s the bad guy? Dr. Manhattan. The blue-skinned being was blamed for attacking humanity, thus uniting nations and averting a nuclear war. Though contentious, the ending sure ignited debate.

The Tom Cruise Casting Fiasco

Watchmen did okay financially, generating $185 million globally. But it cost $130 million to produce, so it fell short of the mark. Would Tom Cruise in a lead role have bumped up the box office? We’ll never know. Cruise personally requested a role, but Snyder had Jackie Earle Haley in mind, setting up a conflict of interests.

Despite this hiccup, and missing out on the Hollywood hunk, Watchmen strikes a chord with viewers even today. You can stream it on Max and the Amazon Channel.

To Wrap It Up

Zack Snyder was clever with Watchmen. His tweaks show the importance of context and audience feeling when making a movie. These changes did spark a row, but they also made the movie more relatable, sensitive, and engaging for viewers.

Remember, Snyder’s take on Watchmen isn’t just an adaption. It’s a whole new reimagination of a beloved comic series. Even after all this time, it still holds a place in the hearts of many. If you haven’t viewed it yet, now’s your chance!

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