Blair Witch Project Star Trio Oppose Lionsgate’s Plan to Reboot

Introducing the Conflict

The cast of The Blair Witch Project is all fired up against film studio Lionsgate. The star trio, Heather Donahue, Michael C. Williams, and Joshua Leonard, was shocked by the studio’s plan to redo their popular 1999 film. All three actors started their journey with Haxan Films, which launched the film using their real names, a move they did not approve of.

After Sundance, What Went Down

Once the film became a hit at Sundance, the behind-the-scenes drama intensified for our star trio. The film’s directors, Artisan Entertainment, began operating under a veil of secrecy that entangled our young actors.

Artisan’s Tight Marketing Approach

The company that bought the movie, Artisan Entertainment, had some high-handed promotion rules in place. They didn’t allow the team to attend the Cannes Film Festival. Heather, despite having a publicity manager, wasn’t permitted to secure interviews at Cannes. Joshua had to sacrifice an independent film role because Artisan forbade him from disclosing his true identity.

Struggling to Survive Post-Release

Joshua shared his struggle in a one-on-one with Variety not long ago. Admitting that he couldn’t make any money from the film and was close to being evicted, he painted a grim picture. Amazingly, despite the film’s huge global earnings of $248 million, the actors only got a fruit basket when it hit the $100 million mark.

Artisan’s Sequel Plan and the Ensuing Legal Drama

Actors weren’t happy when Artisan revealed plans for a sequel, Blair Witch 2. This led to a heated legal face-off. A settlement was finally reached in 2004 giving each actor a meager $300,000 compared to the $35 million pocketed by the film’s producers.

Fighting Injustice with an Open Letter

The news of Lionsgate’s reboot shocked Donahue, Williams, and Leonard. They felt prompted to write an open letter to Lionsgate. In the letter, they demanded past and future payments for their roles in addition to input on any future Blair Witch projects.

Despite the backing of SAG-AFTRA, their appeal is restricted because of the film’s nonunion status. The whole situation left such a bad taste that Heather and Michael decided to quit acting, while Joshua continues despite earlier hardships.

What the Blair Witch Saga Teaches Us

The move by the original cast shines a light on the dark corners of Hollywood. It uncovers issues of credit and unfair financial practices. This paints a grim picture of companies prioritizing profit over people.

Despite the struggles, the actors remain optimistic and have pointed out their experiences as a warning to upcoming actors. As we mark the 25th anniversary of The Blair Witch Project, the original cast stands as a bold reminder of the industry’s highs and lows, and the importance of fair compensation.

While this drama unfolds, fans can relive the classic on Freevee. In the end, the protest against Lionsgate’s reboot has exposed some unchecked Hollywood practices. We’re still waiting to see how this will shape the industry’s future. The Blair Witch Project cast continues to fight for their rights and lost profits.

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