Russell Crowe’s New Chiller ‘The Exorcism’ to Rattle North American Screens

Hello, fellow movie buffs! We’re back with an exciting scoop on Russell Crowe’s latest horror flick ‘The Exorcism’. Formerly referred to as ‘The Georgetown Project’, this highly anticipated film is set for a grand North American outing on June 21. Yes, that’s right around the corner! Did we spark your interest? Stay tuned because we have more!

A Sneak Peek Into ‘The Exorcism’

To feed your curiosity, a few video clips of the film have been dropped online. You’ll find these spine-chilling teasers sprinkled in this write-up. It’s like a tasty appetizer before the grand feast. Russell Crowe, the man of the hour, isn’t new to the horror game. Remember him in ‘The Pope’s Exorcist’? He donned the role of the famed exorcist Father Gabriele Amorth and nailed it!

Fun Fact: Crowe started working on ‘The Exorcism’ even before shooting began for ‘The Pope’s Exorcist’. Now, after a four-and-half year wait, it’s ready for release. Crowe fans, brace yourselves!

Meet The Star Studded Cast

‘The Exorcism’, brought to life by Miramax, Kevin Williamson, and Outerbanks Entertainment, will see Crowe playing Anthony Miller. He portrays a tormented actor slowly spiraling into madness while filming a horror movie. His estranged daughter struggles to understand if he’s relapsing into old habits, or if something dark and sinister is looming.

But wait, there’s more! Crowe is joined by a stellar cast that includes Ryan Simpkins (‘Fear Street Part Two – 1978’), Sam Worthington (‘Avatar: The Way of Water’), Chloe Bailey (‘Praise This’), and Adam Goldberg (‘The Equalizer’). The line-up also features David Hyde Pierce (‘Frasier’), Samantha Mathis (‘Broken Arrow’), Tracey Bonner (‘Creepshow’), and Adrian Pasdar (‘Near Dark’).

Who’s Behind the Scenes of ‘The Exorcism’?

The creative brains steering ‘The Exorcism’ include director Joshua John Miller and his screenwriting partner M.A. Fortin. Fascinatingly, Miller is the son of Jason Miller – the star of the cult classic ‘The Exorcist’, which has influenced generations of horror fans.

Bringing it all together is a fantastic production team which includes Ben Fast and Bill Block. The executive producers are a talented quartet that includes Padraic McKinley, Scott Putman, Andrew Golov, and Thom Zadra.

What Do You Think?

Dear horror cinema enthusiasts, are you eager for ‘The Exorcism’? After watching these sneaky snippets, what are your thoughts? Drop your comments, and let’s get chatting!

Wrapping It Up

So, gear up for June 21, and prepare for a spooky cinematic experience with ‘The Exorcism’, packed with moments that will make your blood freeze and send shivers down your spine. Don’t miss Russell Crowe’s captivating performance amid a star-studded cast. And yes, we’d love to hear your thoughts, expectations, and excitement levels in the comments. Keep the conversation burning, folks!

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