Star Wars: Unveiling Kylo Ren’s Fascinating First Concept, ‘The Grave Robber’

Have you ever wondered about the behind-the-scenes of your favorite movies? What if we told you that Kylo Ren from Star Wars: The Force Awakens, played by talented actor Adam Driver, could’ve had a whole different vibe? Yes, before he became the Kylo Ren we know, he was first conceptualized as ‘The Grave Robber.’ Let’s uncover more about this interesting early design!

Meet ‘The Grave Robber’

In 2021, a fascinating tidbit about Kylo Ren emerged. Resurfaced concept art revealed a much different character – The Grave Robber. Picture this: a badass with a cyborg arm holding what looks like Darth Vader’s helmet! That’s who The Grave Robber was. Despite its intriguing aura, this version never found its way to the big screen.

This exciting concept was birthed by Christian Alzmann, the skilled artist who also designed for The Mandalorian. Having done the concept art for The Force Awakens in 2013, Alzmann showcased his versatility by imagining another version of Kylo Ren called ‘Jedi Killer.’ Fans say this character version really amps up coolness levels compared to what we actually saw in the film.

The Grave Robber’s Link to Darth Vader

One thing both versions of Kylo Ren share is a strong connection with Darth Vader, the iconic antagonist. This relationship mirrored how Anakin Skywalker was swayed by Darth Plagueis. Star Wars fans were thrilled to discover Kylo’s adoration for the Sith Lord was discussed even before the film script was finalized. This led to the inclusion of Vader’s melted helmet in Alzmann’s mesmerizing concept art.

What Do Fans Make of ‘The Grave Robber’?

Star Wars fans have been all praise for The Grave Robber’s character concept. Many think The Grave Robber is more interesting and mysterious than the Kylo Ren we ended up watching. A horde of fans voiced their view that unused ideas from early concept drafts seemed superior to the final product.

Yet, the storyline we got with Kylo Ren took a unique path, adding a fresh flavor to the Star Wars saga. Despite the initial disappointment, most fans agree that Kylo Ren carved his own special place in the movie. The unexplored character of The Grave Robber still triggers curiosity across the fandom, adding another layer to the film’s mystique.

Wondering About What Might Have Been

Even though we can’t go back and change cinema history, it’s still fun to dive into the initial concept art. It allows us to appreciate the creative journey that goes into birthing characters like Kylo Ren. It’s an intricate process loaded with alterations and adaptations.

The love and enthusiasm that fans show for these characters tell us just how much the Star Wars franchise means to people. Whether you’re team ‘Kylo Ren as seen on the screen’ or team ‘bring back The Grave Robber,’ the excitement around this universe isn’t going anywhere.

Now, you can binge-watch the Star Wars sequel trilogy on Disney+ and relive this intergalactic adventure with the villain we know and love – or the one that might have been!

So, that’s the mystery of The Grave Robber revealed! Next time you watch Star Wars: The Force Awakens, let your imagination run wild thinking about what might’ve been if Kylo Ren’s original character had made it to the big screen!

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