The Hidden Celeb Stars of the Spy Kids Movies You May Have Missed

Hello everyone! Have you ever watched the Spy Kids series featuring the brave Cortez family? Led by the spy duo Gregorio and Ingrid, who were played by Antonio Banderas and Carla Gugino, the series managed to win hearts of everyone. But did you know there were hidden celebrity stars in the series? If you didn’t catch Sylvester Stallone’s surprising villain role or Selena Gomez’s cameo, it’s high time to re-watch the movies and spot these stars.

Stallone as Toymaker

First things first, let’s talk about Sylvester Stallone. He played the brain-washing villain, known as The Toymaker, in Spy Kids 3-D: Game Over. The Toymaker is known for his wicked plan, where he uses a VR game to control player’s minds. If you didn’t notice this before, be sure to watch it again.

Clooney’s Role in Spy Kids

That’s not all. Do you guys remember spotting George Clooney in the movies? Clooney was playing Diego Devlin, the head of the OSS, in the Spy Kids series. It was Clooney’s character that first welcomed our favorite duo, Juni and Carmen, into the spy agency. Clooney’s clever and crafty character even went on to become the president in Spy Kids 3: Game Over.

Hidden Celebrity Appearances

There are so many other stars with hidden roles in the series. Tony Shalhoub is one of them. He played the sneaky Alexander Minion in Spy Kids. Starting off as Fegan Floop’s assistant, his character evolved into a villain, creating trouble for the Cortez family.

Did you spot Selena Gomez? If not, let’s take you back to Spy Kids 3-D: Game Over. Before she became famous with Disney Channel productions, she appeared in a small role as Waterpark Girl. She showed tremendous potential in this little role!

Remember Frodo Baggins from the Lord of the Rings trilogy? That’s Elijah Wood for you. He featured as ‘The Guy’ in Spy Kids. His role was to assist Carmen and Juni in their virtual gaming journeys. Surprisingly, he played this role after being part of the Lord of the Rings, with the promise of a bright acting career.

Moreover, other stars like Christopher McDonald and Holland Taylor also played different roles in the series. McDonald was seen as the US President in Spy Kids 2: The Island of Lost Dreams, while Taylor played the role of Grandma Helga.

Time to Rewatch the Spy Kids Series

So, as you see, Spy Kids is not just an action-packed adventure series, but also a treasure trove of famous celebrities. It was even a stepping stone for some of them. When you play these movies next, keep your eyes peeled for these hidden stars.

The Spy Kids films are available on Paramount+. Don’t just skim through the thrilling adventures of the Cortez family, but also hunt for the talents who played different roles in this series. Happy viewing and have fun finding the stars in these exciting movies!

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