These 5 Designer Films Could be Next in the 4K UHD Line


The 4K disc revolution has been making waves among classic movie buffs for bringing once beloved films back to life. These fans now can relive the magnificence of their all-time favorites like ‘The Crow.’ The transformation of these classics into the 4K format has indeed been seen as a miracle. However, a number of timeless classics are still overdue for a high-definition debut. Here’s our rundown of the top five films that we expect to join the 4K ranks soon.

Wait Continues for ‘Fight Club’ in 4K

When you think about David Fincher’s ‘Fight Club,’ it’s hard to forget its stir in the DVD era. The film is now 25 years old. In line with the silver anniversary, fans sure can’t wait for its 4K version. Please note: we may have to wait a bit more as Fincher seems to be tied up restoring ‘Se7en’ at the moment.

When will ‘Boogie Nights’ Enter the 4K Club?

Next up is Paul Thomas Anderson’s ‘Boogie Nights.’ A 4K version of this film could do real justice to its diverse filmmaking techniques. What would be awesome is an updated version of the classic group commentary track from its 1998 release.

Can ‘Kill Bill’ 4K Finally Become a Reality?

Then we have Quentin Tarantino’s ‘Kill Bill.’ This classic is high on everyone’s list of 4K hopefuls. After Lionsgate announced last year about planned releases, fans are holding out hope that the 20th-anniversary editions will soon be a part of their home theater collections.

The 4K Spotlight on ‘Children of Men’

We also need to talk about Alfonso Cuaron’s celebrated film, ‘Children of Men.’ A big surprise, this one still isn’t available in 4K. Its potential 4K release could mean a high-quality version due to Cuaron’s known love for home theater; plus, the involvement of his consistent collaborator, DP Emmanuel Lubezki.

When will ‘The Terminator’ Join the 4K Squad?

Finally, let’s get to James Cameron’s ‘The Terminator.’ This sci-fi treasure could look even more spectacular in 4K. What’s more, with the 40th-anniversary celebration coming up, hopes for a UHD release are high. Fans are curious to see how Cameron handles this as his previous 4K upgrades created quite a fuss.


There you have them – five classic films we hope will transition into the 4K world soon. While we wait, let’s chat! If you could pick, what classic film do you really want to see in 4K? Share your thoughts and let’s keep the movie vibe going strong!

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