Excitement Builds as Scott Derrickson May Return to Direct Doctor Strange 3

Exciting News for Doctor Strange Fans

If you love the mystical Marvel superhero Doctor Strange, you’re in for a treat. There’s been lots of buzz about who will helm the director’s chair for the third film in the franchise. Sounds like, it could be none other than Scott Derrickson!

Who’s Scott Derrickson?

Scott Derrickson, the director who gave us the first Doctor Strange film in 2016, might be returning for the third part. Both fans and Marvel Studios enjoyed his first stint, making his return a much-discussed topic among fan circles.

Personal Oomph for Doctor Strange

Contrary to popular belief, Sam Raimi didn’t direct the first Doctor Strange film. His fans admired his work, but many felt a sense of non-continuity from events in WandaVision. But guess what? Scott Derrickson had personally invested money and time into the first movie. His dedication was clearly visible when pitching to Kevin Feige, Marvel Studios’ president, making his comeback sound better and better.

Derrickson’s Marvel Relationship Still Strong

Even though he passed the baton to Raimi for Doctor Strange 2, Derrickson hasn’t let his bond with Marvel Studios falter. Want to know something cool? During a podcast interview, he confirmed that he and Feige are still buddies. As if that wasn’t enough, he even enjoyed the second film’s premiere, showing his undying support for the franchise.

A Touch of Horror in Doctor Strange 3?

Should Derrickson return, we may be in for a darker, scarier Doctor Strange movie. The third story is rumored to dive deep into the dark dimension, a perfect setup for Derrickson’s love for horror. While Raimi did a good job, Derrickson’s passion could bring a fresh spin to the plot.

Reviving Trust in MCU

Fans are hopeful that Derrickson’s return will join the scattered narrative strings throughout the franchise. His enthusiasm for another Doctor Strange film may revive trust in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. It’ll also ensure the upcoming film stays consistent with the previous Marvel movies.

In a Nutshell

Speculations about Scott Derrickson taking the director’s chair for Doctor Strange 3 has got everyone on their toes. His deep understanding of the character, continued friendship with Marvel Studios, and interest in the sequel make him a prime candidate. Who knows? His return might add a little hot pepper to the mix that is the Doctor Strange Multiverse of Madness! The anticipation for concrete news continues. Here’s hoping for a Derrickson-directed Doctor Strange flick that wows us all!

For more details, visit Project Casting Blog on https://www.projectcasting.com/blog/news/call-for-scott-derrickson-to-reassume-directors-chair-in-doctor-strange-3/


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