Star Wars Saga: Adam Driver’s Journey to becoming Kylo Ren

An Epic Role

Hola Star Wars fans, did you know Adam Driver almost missed out on the iconic role of Kylo Ren? That’s right! Our favorite dark side villain in the Star Wars saga initially had doubts. Why? Well, it seems our hero was worried about the character losing depth for the sake of showbiz glamour. Luckily, though, the allure of the complex character won him over in the end.

Adam’s Second Thoughts

Before the world saw him as Kylo Ren, Driver felt unsure about stepping into those big shoes. He wasn’t worried about the fame or pressure, but about the possibility of losing character depth. You know how big franchise productions may sacrifice the in-depth portrayal of characters to keep the visuals grand and larger than life? That was Adam’s concern. He didn’t want Kylo Ren to be just an entertaining spectacle. He wanted him to be a complex character with layers of emotions.

Delving into Kylo

So what changed Adam’s mind? It was Ren’s character. Kylo Ren wasn’t just any antagonist. He was a conflicted and vulnerable character playing tough behind a mask. To quote Adam, “Kylo’s acting tough isn’t who he really is. He’s a confused kid, does not know where to channel his energy. But once he has his mask on, he’s playing the role.” And that challenge, the task of bringing such a complex character to life was what clinched the deal for Driver.

Original Plan: The Veteran’s Path

The idea of Kylo Ren wasn’t always as we know it. J.J. Abrams, the director of Star Wars: The Force Awakens, first imagined Kylo as an older, traumatic character. For this he thought of casting an experienced actor. Ever heard of Mike Fassbender?

Maybe Fassbender?

That’s right! Michael Fassbender, renowned for his role as Magneto in X-Men: Days of Future Past, was amongst Abrams’ top picks to play Kylo Ren. With his experience in portraying deep characters, Fassbender could have been Kylo. However, the stars didn’t align in that direction.

Snapping into Character

Despite these initial thoughts and despite Driver’s personal doubts, the role ultimately went to Adam. His portrayal of Kylo Ren was met with sky-high praises and the film was a super-hit, gaining high ratings on IMDB and Rotten Tomatoes.

Relive the Magic

Now you can watch Adam driving home his iconic performance as Kylo Ren in Star Wars: The Force Awakens on Disney+ in the U.S. Looking back, it all makes sense. The handling of Kylo’s complexity and layers makes the movie so much more than just a visual spectacle.

One for the Books

Adam Driver’s Kylo Ren has made Star Wars legendary. This story of his journey to the role showcases how he believed in the power of building a complex character over flashy heroics. His portrayal of Kylo Ren has definitely left an unforgettable mark on the fans, etching his name forever into the heart of Star Wars lore.

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