Avengers’ Stars Navigate Whitewashing Hurdles: Scarlett Johansson and Benedict Cumberbatch’s Tales


Did you know that some of your favorite Avengers’ stars, Scarlett Johansson and Benedict Cumberbatch, have tangled with some major issues? Yep, that’s right! These stars have bumped into what’s coined ‘whitewashing’ controversies. Here’s the scoop!

Benedict Cumberbatch’s Handling of Whitewashing

First, let’s chat about Benedict Cumberbatch. You might remember him as Sherlock Holmes in the famous BBC series, as well as Doctor Strange in the Avengers. But do you remember him as Khan Noonien Singh in Star Trek Into Darkness?

There was a big argument when Cumberbatch, a white actor, was chosen for the role of Khan, who was an Indian guy in the original story. Fans were upset, saying the casting choice deserved more slamming.

On the other hand, some thought Cumberbatch was so good he made the issue irrelevant. Despite the fuss, Star Trek Into Darkness ended up being the most popular Star Trek movie ever! It’s safe to say Cumberbatch came out of that controversy without too many scrapes.

Scarlett Johansson’s Whitewashing Worry

On the flip side, Scarlett Johansson’s whitewashing quarrel continues to impact her. She faced a ton of heat for her role in 2017’s Ghost in the Shell, where she played a character of Japanese origin, inspired by a manga story.

There was a lot of pushback, despite the fact that the original anime creator said her character was meant to be a cyborg. This controversy not only bruised Johansson’s reputation but also made the movie less popular with critics and at the box office.

Unlike Star Trek Into Darkness, Ghost in the Shell is remembered as a big instance of Hollywood whitewashing. Yes, it was a blunder that left a lasting stain on an otherwise glam career for Johansson.


So, there you have it – the lowdown on Scarlett Johansson and Benedict Cumberbatch’s personal wrestling matches with whitewashing allegations. It just goes to show, casting choices can really stir the pot! Such issues continue to steer discussions about variety and representation in Hollywood.

It’s interesting to speculate what Hollywood will do about these problems. For now, though, you can catch these actors in their controversial roles. Star Trek Into Darkness on Paramount+ and Ghost in the Shell on Amazon Prime are just a click away!

As we say goodbye, remember it’s not just about stars’ acting skills, but also about their choices off-screen. This sneak-peek into their whitewashing adventures is your reminder of the interesting world behind the glitz and glam of Hollywood. Until next time, happy viewing!

For more details, visit Project Casting Blog on https://www.projectcasting.com/blog/news/avengers-stars-and-their-whitewashing-controversies-the-tales-of-scarlett-johansson-and-benedict-cumberbatch/


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