Jon Bernthal and WWE Champ Kurt Angle Unveil Surprising Family Ties

A Little Known Family Connection

What do Jon Bernthal and Kurt Angle have in common? If you’re thinking heroic roles in your favorite movies and wrestling shows, you’re spot on! But did you know they are actually related by marriage? Yes, you read that right. Jon Bernthal, famous for his roles in The Walking Dead and The Punisher, is related to wrestling superstar and WWE Hall of Famer Kurt Angle. Here’s how it happened – Jon Bernthal married Erin Angle, Kurt’s cute niece, in 2010. Fans to both celebs just got this piece of gossip and they can’t stop talking about it!

Unveiling the Secret in a Podcast

The secret stayed hidden for over a decade until Bernthal spilled the beans on his podcast, REAL ONES. In a 2022 episode, Bernthal introduced Kurt as not just a wrestling champ, but also as his uncle-in-law. You’d imagine how the fans went nuts over this news!

Fan Reactions on the Celeb Connection

When the news hit fan communities, there were all sorts of reactions. Some played around with the fact that Bernthal, who portrayed The Punisher, shares family ties with a WWE legend known for his Captain America-like outfit. Can you just visualize Captain America and The Punisher at a family dinner? The very idea had fans gushing with excitement. Others suggested there might be room for Angle in a Marvel movie, given his nephew-in-law’s strong ties to the franchise. Wouldn’t that be really cool?

Bernthal’s Interesting Family Tree

Talking about family trees, Jon Bernthal’s tree has so many talented branches. His brother, Thomas Bernthal, was a high-profile news producer at NBC and is now wedded to Sheryl Sandberg, former COO of Meta. The family’s creative streak doesn’t end there. Their grandfather, Murray Bernthal, is remembered as a renowned American musician, and cousin Adam Schlesinger? He’s the guy who wrote the chartbuster, That Thing You Do!. They are truly a multi-talented family!

Angle’s Marvel Aspirations

If you love WWE and Marvel, you are in for a treat! Kurt Angle is just as fascinated with Marvel as we all are. Just like WWE stars John Cena, Dave Bautista, and Dwayne Johnson, who’ve starred in superhero flicks, Angle harbors hopes of being part of a Marvel movie. Couldn’t you just picture him pulling off a crazy wrestling move on some Marvel villain? It could totally happen, as he revealed on his show, The Kurt Angle Show, that he had been trying to land a role in a Marvel film. In fact, he’s so serious about it that he actually got Marvel President Kevin Feige’s contact info from his new family member, Bernthal. We’re all hoping his efforts will pay off soon!

Wrapping Up

It’s way more than just fan service when two different worlds, Hollywood and wrestling, overlap. The news of Jon Bernthal and Kurt Angle’s familial ties has added an interesting dynamic to their respective fandoms. It’s not every day that we find out that our favorite celebs are related! This unexpected turn of events has fans over the moon, with dreams of Kurt Angle suiting up in a Marvel movie and more insights into Bernthal’s interesting family tree. It’s a headline that’s hard to forget!

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