Spielberg Shuts Down E.T. Sequel Rumours, Urges Re-Releases Just Like Disney

Banner News: No More E.T. Coming, Spielberg Says

E.T. fans, brace yourselves! Famed director Steven Spielberg has promptly declared that a sequel to the classic E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial is a definite ‘no’. Despite the great fan affection and ongoing blockbuster success of the movie, Spielberg believes it would be a letdown to tread the sequel route.

Revisiting a Fascinating Journey

E.T., an endearing tale of a harmless alien left behind on earth, has captured millions of hearts worldwide. The film was a tribute to Spielberg’s personal life events, notably his parents’ divorce. Perhaps that’s why the mere idea of a sequel doesn’t rest well with him.

The idea of a follow-up film might have crossed his mind a couple of times, but Spielberg emphasised the need to maintain the original sentiment from the film. According to him, it’s more about preserving the integrity of the story rather than minting money off the much-loved alien tale.

Re-Release, Not Sequels

Interestingly, Spielberg is completely behind Disney’s concept of re-releasing timeless classics every now and then. Why so? Because it allows newer generations to experience the magic in theatres, just as it was premiered.

Just like Disney, Spielberg expresses his desire for his iconic 80’s sci-fi drama to receive the same treatment. Spielberg stated, “I would appreciate if E.T. could be screened in cinemas every five to seven years.” He firmly believes this could be a way to introduce an entirely new generation of children to the magic of E.T. on the big screen, not just at home on cable or DVD.

E.T.’s Unstoppable Charisma

E.T.’s incredible success story justifies Spielberg’s wish. Upon release time, the family-friendly alien drama swept audiences off their feet, reigning as the highest-grossing film of its time. Earning approximately $792 million worldwide, the movie held the glorious top spot for a record-breaking 81 weeks consecutively.

Considering E.T.’s enduring popularity, Spielberg’s idea for re-releasing the movie could indeed work wonders. The magic of E.T., akin to Disney classics, holds the charm to capture the imagination of new audiences and can assure the legacy continues.

Bright Side for Fans

While a sequel to E.T. is off the table, fans can find a silver lining in the prospect of periodic audacious big-screen reruns. The chance of reliving the magic and camaraderie of watching E.T. on the cinema screen truly resonates with Spielberg’s vision.

In a nutshell, E.T. will remain a single, heartwarming movie with its legendary status intact. The famous director has successfully calmed down sequel speculations and hopes to preserve the classic in its original form. Despite Spielberg ruling out an E.T. sequel, his idea of Disney-inspired re-releases promises a cinematic treat to new generations of moviegoers, keeping the saga alive and loved.

For more details, visit Project Casting Blog on https://www.projectcasting.com/blog/news/steven-spielberg-rules-out-e-t-sequel-advocates-for-disney-style-re-release/


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