Steven Spielberg Breaks His Own Rule for Iconic Jurassic Park Finale

The Spielberg Technique

Got a minute? Here’s something cool you might not know. Steven Spielberg, who’s one of the biggest names in Hollywood, has a secret rule. This rule’s a big part of why he creates such amazing movies.

Spielberg is famous for shooting a scene a maximum of seven times. It sounds strict, but it’s one of his secrets to keeping movie-making sharp and efficient without losing any quality. However, during the creation of the iconic film, Jurassic Park, Spielberg had to break his rule.

Breaking The Mold

It was during the filming of Jurassic Park’s last scene that Spielberg put his rule aside. Steven Spielberg’s assistant director, John T. Kretchmer, spilled the beans about this at an event celebrating the film’s anniversary.

This isn’t about the last part of the story, though. The final shot was actually Richard Attenborough, one of the film’s stars, popping open a bottle of champagne before everyone enters the park.

Spielberg ran the scene more than once, twice, and again. He went way past his seven-shot limit, shooting the scene up to an incredible twenty times. Kretchmer realized something was up and pulled Spielberg aside for a chat.

Emotions Run High

What Spielberg confessed was surprising. He admitted how much he loved working on Jurassic Park. Spielberg felt so attached to the movie that he didn’t want to finish shooting it, even though he’d got the perfect take of that final shot. His love for the film led him to extend filming beyond what he’d planned, ultimately breaking his golden seven-take rule.

Onto The Next Project

Kretchmer made sure to mention that Spielberg wasn’t planning on slowing down. The breaking of the rule wasn’t a sign of Spielberg retiring, or even taking a break. He was, in fact, set to start filming the famous ‘Schindler’s List’ just six weeks after wrapping up Jurassic Park. Now that shows dedication!

A Career-Defining Paradox

It’s moments like this that define Spielberg’s incredible career in the film industry. Spielberg’s an artist with a serious passion for the process that goes into making a movie. There might’ve been a rule-breaking moment, but it didn’t hurt Spielberg’s record-setting career; in fact, it made it unforgettable.

The Impact of Breaking Rules

So Spielberg broke his golden rule, but guess what? Jurassic Park became a whopping success. It raked in around a mind-blowing $1.103 billion worldwide. Not just that, Jurassic Park started a series of successful sequels, and it’s now a timeless classic loved by fans all over the globe.


So that’s the story of Spielberg and his rule-breaking moment. We all sometimes have to break rules, even when the rules are our own. But for Spielberg, breaking the rule was a part of the magical process of creating that unforgettable Jurassic Park moment. Who knows? Maybe breaking rules can lead to fantastic things. So keep watching Spielberg’s movies on streaming platforms like Peacock and maybe get inspired to break some rules, in a good way, of course!

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