Spielberg Stands Firm on ‘No Sequel’ for Iconic E.T. Movie, Shares Drew Barrymore

The Huge Success of E.T., the Extra-Terrestrial

In 1982, the world was captivated by the release of a movie named E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial. The director? None other than Steven Spielberg. The film was such a hit that it pulled in $800 million. And guess what? All that, from a budget of just $10 million.

What Made E.T. Special?

The movie spun around an alien story, which Spielberg once dreamt as a child. It starred a young, expressive Drew Barrymore. The movie bagged a lot of love and adoration from viewers all over the globe. Even today, people hold it dearly in their hearts.

Will There Be a Sequel to E.T.?

Fans have speculated about a follow-up since the movie made its big hit. A sequel to the timeless E.T. – wouldn’t that be wonderful? But alas, Spielberg has decided otherwise. According to Drew Barrymore, Spielberg believes the original E.T. should stand alone, untouched. It is, in his eyes, a standalone masterpiece that doesn’t need a sequel.

Spielberg’s Friendship with Barrymore

While discussing Spielberg’s anti-sequel stance for E.T., Barrymore shared an amusing tidbit. She said that at seven, she spent a weekend at Spielberg’s house. She sees him as a godfather figure in her life. They bonded over the time, as Barrymore struggled with a chaotic family life and Spielberg became her guiding light. Spielberg has always felt that his movies were complete as they were. He wanted them to be standalone works of art, not serials.

Spielberg’s Views on Creating Sequels

Sure, Spielberg has made room for sequels in his other stories. His franchises like Jurassic Park and Indiana Jones stand proof of this. But for E.T., the rules are different. According to Barrymore, Spielberg crushes the idea of diluting the essence of E.T. with sequels. E.T. was meant to be a one-time classic.

The Unique Bond between Spielberg and Barrymore

Drew Barrymore was just a budding artist when she starred in Altered State in 1980. Young and searching for stability, she turned towards Spielberg. She asked him to be her dad when she was seven, which floored Spielberg. He humbly declined but agreed to be her godfather. Barrymore still respects and cherishes Spielberg for being the guiding light in her life.

Spielberg’s Respect for E.T. & Its Legacy

As fans, we crave for a sequel. But perhaps it’s best to appreciate the undiluted aura of the original E.T. After all, who knows better than Spielberg, the creator of the timeless classic? So while you might not get another E.T. movie, you can still enjoy the original. It currently streams on platforms like Amazon Prime, rekindling the charm of the classic E.T.

In conclusion, while a sequel to E.T. might have been great, Spielberg’s respect for his one-of-a-kind classic ensures the tale remains unspoiled. For fans around the world, E.T. continues to be the marvel it was when it first released, and will remain so, appreciated in its original and undiluted form.

For more details, visit Project Casting Blog on https://www.projectcasting.com/blog/news/spielberg-resists-sequel-for-82-classic-e-t-reveals-drew-barrymore/


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