The Less-Told Story of Tom Hanks’ Near Miss in Sleepless in Seattle

Ever watched the romantic flick ‘Sleepless in Seattle?’ The iconic roles of Sam and Annie are played perfectly by Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan. Can you picture anyone else playing Sam? Believe it or not, Hanks almost didn’t land that part, and Dennis Quaid was the first choice. Want to know more? Then keep reading!

Backdrop of Sleepless in Seattle: Rise of a Classic

Getting started with ‘Sleepless in Seattle,’ a 90s gem, was no picnic. Movie bigwig Gary Foster drew TriStar into the scene. He tossed out the idea of Dennis Quaid and Meg Ryan as the lead pair. Why? Because they were keen to work together and they seemed like the perfect fit. Mike Medavoy, the head honcho at TriStar then, and a good chum of Quaid and Ryan, also pushed to have them in the film.

The Hunt for a Director & Making the Perfect Cast

Enter Nora Ephron. You may know her for her work on ‘When Harry Met Sally.’ Nora was brought on board to polish up the script. Before she knew it, she had slipped into the director’s chair. The role of Annie Reed was quickly bagged by Ryan. But Ephron was on the fence about Quaid. She wasn’t sure he could show the lighter, funny side needed for the male lead.

Tom Hanks: Stepping into the Leading Role

Enter Tom Hanks. Ephron felt his knack for making people laugh made him ideal for the part of Sam. But getting Ryan on board to act opposite Hanks, not her husband, was the next hurdle. However, Ephron proved quite persuasive, and Ryan agreed to join the film alongside Hanks.

Finding Their Groove

Just when we thought we had our lead pair, there were more twists. Ryan, who was quite far along in her pregnancy, was unsure if she wanted to be part of the project. Meanwhile, Hanks, although drawn to the human, genuine nature of Sam’s role, had his doubts about the script. As he later confessed, he was a rather tough cookie to please back then. But as he saw the seriousness and depth that Ephron brought to the character in her rewrites, he warmed up more.

Tom Hanks: Reigns Supreme

Even with his initial doubts, Hanks loved the role’s realness so much that he joined the project. Pairing up with Ryan wasn’t new for him. They had already worked together on ‘Joe Versus the Volcano,’ but ‘Sleepless in Seattle’ allowed their sparks to fly onscreen, leading the film to become a blockbuster hit.

So, next time you watch ‘Sleepless in Seattle,’ remember what could have been. The casting drama and near misses all contributed to this timeless classic. The movie worked out wonderfully with Hanks taking the lead. His synergy with Ryan made the movie what it was – a tremendous success. Their performances have since become a part of Hollywood romance history. Hanks’ portrayal of Sam was so spot-on that it’s hard to imagine anyone else ever playing the part.

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