Stephen Colbert Mocks Trump’s Entrance at GOP Convention as ‘Rocky Balboa for Russia’

Key Takeaways:
– Stephen Colbert compares Trump’s entrance to Rocky Balboa fighting for Russia.
– Trump tweaked his schedule to hear rivals Nikki Haley and Ron DeSantis praise him.
– Colbert criticizes the overall tone of Trump’s convention night.

Stephen Colbert’s Lively Take on Trump’s Grand Entrance

On the second night of the GOP convention, Stephen Colbert provided a humorous and sharp critique of Donald Trump’s dramatic entrance. According to Colbert, around 9 p.m., Trump entered the arena in a manner reminiscent of Rocky Balboa. However, Colbert added a twist, stating, “if Rocky fought for Russia.” This vivid comparison instantly grabbed attention and underscored the comedian’s critical stance on the former president’s theatrics.

Why the Change in Trump’s Schedule?

Trump was initially scheduled to make his appearance later in the evening. However, Colbert pointed out that Trump changed his plans, deciding to arrive earlier instead. The reason behind this change was to hear both Nikki Haley and Ron DeSantis speak. According to Colbert, the former president wanted to witness his former rivals praise him while he sipped a Diet Coke.

Colbert’s Critique on Trump’s Appearance

Colbert also didn’t miss the chance to mock Trump’s physical appearance. He mentioned that Trump still had what he described as an “absurd cartoon bandage” on his ear. This added a layer of ridicule to Trump’s presentation, painting a picture of a former president clinging to absurdities.

The Tone of Trump’s Convention Night

The second night of Donald Trump’s GOP convention had a mix of emotions, according to Colbert. He described it as a combination of a pity party, deification, and a delusional pep rally. The event seemed to revolve around glorifying Trump while ignoring critical issues at hand. Colbert’s biting commentary offered a stark contrast to the more solemn political discussions typically associated with such events.

Trump’s Weakness and Vanity

Colbert did not hold back in criticizing Trump’s character. He suggested that Trump’s decision to alter his schedule highlighted his weakness and vanity. According to Colbert, Trump wanted to bask in the praise from Haley and DeSantis, despite their previous contentious relationships. This action, Colbert argued, showed Trump’s desire for constant admiration, even from those he had defeated.

Religious Overtones in the Speeches

Another point of contention for Colbert was the religious overtones present in the speeches during the convention. Some speakers claimed that God chose to save Trump over the countless innocent people killed by gun violence each year. Colbert found this notion absurd and deeply troubling, arguing that it further illustrated the delusional aspects of the event.

Wrapping it Up: Colbert’s Perfect Description

In conclusion, Stephen Colbert’s commentary on Donald Trump’s entrance during the second night of the GOP convention was both amusing and critical. By comparing Trump to a fictional boxer fighting for an adversarial nation, he made a powerful statement about the theatrics and absurdities surrounding the former president. Colbert’s sharp wit and vivid descriptions provided a refreshing and thought-provoking take on the political spectacle.


Stephen Colbert’s humorous commentary provided a unique perspective on Trump’s entrance and the overall tone of the GOP convention. His comparison to Rocky Balboa fighting for Russia was not just funny but also thought-provoking, highlighting the theatrics and absurdities of the political landscape. Colbert’s critique touched on Trump’s vanity, the religious overtones in the speeches, and painted a vivid picture of the event’s delusional atmosphere. His commentary serves as a reminder to stay critical and thoughtful about the messages and actions of our political leaders.


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