Manhattan Church Service Disturbed by Pepper Spray Attack on Elderly Congregant

Key Takeaways:
– A male suspect disrupted a service at St. Peter’s Roman Catholic Church in Manhattan by spitting on the altar.
– He subsequently pepper-sprayed a 70-year-old church employee who tried to stop him.
– The attack happened on December 17, but police have now released an image of the suspect and are seeking public assistance with his identification.
– The Manhattan church, located close to Ground Zero, has a rich history dating back to 1785.

Disturbance at St. Peter’s Roman Catholic Church

St. Peter’s Roman Catholic Church in lower Manhattan witnessed an unsettling event on December 17. A male assailant entered the historic church during a Sunday mass service and spat on the altar. When a 70-year-old church employee attempted to prevent the man from leaving, he was pepper-sprayed by the suspect.

The man, distinguishable by his blue baseball cap with a red brim, blue jacket, and khaki pants, was last seen running east on Barclay Street. The elderly church worker sustained minor injuries but declined any medical attention.

Notable Landmark with Rich History

St. Peter’s is not just another church in the city; it holds much historical significance. The church, which officials have noted is the closest Roman Catholic Church to Ground Zero, first began services in 1785. The existing worship building was constructed in 1834 and is currently honored as a federal landmark.

Moreover, following the horrific 9/11 incident, St. Peter’s turned into a sanctuary, providing solace and hot meals to hundreds of Ground Zero rescue workers during their break hours.

Police Hunt for the Suspect

On Wednesday, police released the suspect’s image as part of their ongoing investigation. The incident has shocked the church community and, indeed, the city at large. Authorities are encouraging anyone who can recognize the suspect or provide critical information about his whereabouts to come forward.

The suspect’s wanted number is NYPD Crime Stoppers at (800) 577-TIPS. Police assure that all calls will be kept confidential.

A Plea For Public Assistance

Support from the public could play a decisive role, not just in apprehending the suspect, but also in deterring such unacceptable behaviors in the future. Law enforcement officials emphasize the importance of reporting any related info about the suspect promptly.

Law-abiding citizens, churchgoers, and members of the wider community share a collective responsibility in ensuring their city remains safe, peaceful, and respectful. This incident serves as a stark reminder of the crucial role individual contributions and efforts play in upholding these values.

Unraveling the motive behind the suspect’s behavior and his subsequent arrest will hopefully bring closure to St. Peter’s Church’s workers and congregants, allowing them to continue their spiritual journey without fear or tension.

This story continues to unfold as authorities ramp up their search for the suspect. Citizens across Manhattan and beyond are hopeful of a swift resolution that restores peace and tranquility to St. Peter’s historic walls.


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