
Chief Editor

jonathan-antonio-digital-chewJonathan Antonio Browne

With a background in journalism, philosophy, chemistry, and psychology, Jonathan’s passion includes reporting accurate news. As a journalist he has covered topics that include: litigated claims, technological mergers and acquisitions, social media trends, and local politics. As a blogger and a writer, he has also worked on topics that include: philosophy, entertainment news, and technology. Jonathan’s writing has appeared on 11Alive, Yahoo News, Chicago Tribune, The Huffington Post, and additional publications.

Editors Staff:

Reginald Edward

Reginald Edward

Business Editor

Reginald has over 20 years of experience in business and technology. Reginald has an undergraduate degree in business and completed post graduate work in business. He has extensive experience in a variety of fields, including: finance, media relations, marketing, strategic planning, public policy, and administration. He has also worked in economic development and community relations. Because of Reginald’s experience, he is passionate about reporting business and technology news.

megan-diane-digital-chewMegan Diane

Science Editor

With a background in biology, chemistry, and psychology, Megan’s favorite stories highlight how science influences and enhances individuals’ lives. She worked in a research laboratory studying genetic diseases. She also has a working knowledge of the science community and scientific advances in technology.

Brent Edward

Health Editor

With a degree in public health, Brent understands that technology and data leads to solving health issues that plague individuals throughout the world. Brent enjoys reporting about technological advances in the field of health. In college, Brent’s thesis focused on the correlation between technological innovations; his thesis evaluated online mobile dating and the rise of sexually transmitted diseases.