Mets May Trade Luis Severino Amidst Performance Resurgence

Key Takeaways:

– The New York Mets might trade Luis Severino by the trade deadline.
– Severino’s performance has significantly improved due to a shift in pitching strategy.
– Taking advantage of sinker and slider increases his effectivity, despite a lower strikeout rate.
– His newfound pitching balance prepares him for any stadium and teams.

Possible Trade of Severino

The New York Mets’ ace pitcher Luis Severino, who revived his career after two years of struggle, is rumored to be on the trading block. According to The Athletic’s Jim Bowden, there is a good chance that we see Severino in a new team by the time the trade deadline arrives.

Severino’s Performance Boosts Trade Value

Luis Severino, 30, has managed to recapture his previous form that he displayed during his time with the New York Yankees. In his 12 starts this year, Severino has a 3.25 ERA and has only allowed 0.6 home runs per nine innings. This enhanced performance seems to have been ushered in by the efforts of the Mets’ coaching staff. Severino now relies less on his fastball and changeup going to his sinker and slider more often.

This strategic shift helped transform Severino’s career. Last year, it would have been tough to see him gain much from a trade. He had a high 7.49 ERA until July 2023 and his opponents maintained a .329 batting average against him. The Mets acquired him in a steal deal, parting with just $13 million for a one-year contract.

Revolution in Pitching

FanGraph’s Jay Jaffe credits Severino’s uptick in performance to the changes in his pitch selection. Severino has increased his sinker use dramatically, a trend that’s seen across the Mets’ squadron. The team’s pitching coach, Jeremy Hefner, has emphasized increasing the use of the sinker, a tactic that’s bearing fruit for Severino.

Severino now throws the sinker 20.3% of the time, a substantial rise from 1% in 2022. He is managing more outs despite fewer strikeouts and slightly modified walk rates.

Shaping A New Pitching Style

Severino’s superb performance comes from a shift in approach. He’s not relying on strikeouts alone but focusing on strategic pitching and preserving his strength. He’s getting more ground-outs, maintaining an inning average of exactly six, and effectively using his sinker and slider when needed.

“This strategy,” Severino told The Athletic’s Tim Britton, “helps me get more productive and saves up pitches”. He’s focused on getting outs and going deeper into the game, and it seems to be paying off.

A Player For Any Stadium

Severino’s shift in pitching style doesn’t mean that his performance is limited to the Citi Field. The pitcher is ready to deliver in any stadium. This versatility, coupled with his rising performance, makes him an attractive prospect for trade to other teams. His ground ball percentage and soft contact rate have both increased, showcasing his adaptability.

In conclusion, it doesn’t look to be a disadvantage if Luis Severino is traded to a hitters’ park. He has the skills to thrive anywhere.



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