Getting into college is getting tougher. In fact, a recent study examining the college admissions process found 50% of all college advisors reported checking an applicant’s social media profile.
But, for Yara Shahidi, the star of ABC’s Black-ish, her college application process just got a little bit easier because of former First Lady Michelle Obama; Obama wrote Shahidi a letter of recommendation.
In a recent interview with W magazine interviewing the young actress, Shahidi revealed how Obama helped her out with her college admissions process. In addition, Obama gave Shahidi a back rub before she went to take her Advance Placement (AP) exams. Getting any kind of support from the First Lady would probably help anyone boost their exam grades.
“She is very amazing and such a supporter, which is something very surreal to say,” Shahidii said in the interview.
As a result, it would seem hard for any major university to look at Shahidi’s impressive resume and turn her down, but a recommendation letter from Michelle Obama, it is hard to believe any college could even think about rejecting her college application.
So what’s next for the actress? She plans on double majoring in African American studies and Sociology.