Meta Opens Horizon OS of Quest Mixed Reality Headsets to Tech Companies

Key Takeaways:

– Meta is set to make its Quest mixed reality headsets’ operating system, Horizon OS, available to other tech companies.
– The rebranded Quest software targets to expand towards purpose-specific devices.
– Mark Zuckerberg highlighted variations of headsets designed for watching TV and movies, focusing on high-end OLED displays.
– Lighter headsets with reduced performance are also to be designed for productivity and exercise uses.
– Gaming-oriented headsets are part of the initiative.


Meta, the technology giant formerly known as Facebook, is ready to open up its operating system, Horizon OS that powers its Quest mixed reality headsets to other interested tech companies. This groundbreaking move was formally announced, marking a significant milestone in the world of mixed reality headsets.

The Transition from Quest to Horizon OS

Previously known by the name ‘Quest Software’, the new nomenclature, Horizon OS, represents a strategic shift in Meta’s vision for their technology. By sharing Horizon OS with other technology companies, Meta aims to accelerate the development and adoption of mixed reality across different sectors.

Meta’s CEO, Mark Zuckerberg via an Instagram video, outlined an ambitious plan. He stated that the intention is to move from producing general-use Quest devices to creating more task-specific devices. This signifies a notable expansion in the company’s strategy, reflecting its increased focus on diverse use-cases for its technology.

The Future of Virtual Reality Headsets

In Zuckerberg’s detailed explanation, he highlighted several interesting varieties of headsets. Among them, he spoke about ones precisely designed for watching TV and movies on virtual screens. These would emphasize high-quality OLED displays, ensuring viewers get the most gratifying experiences.

Under the exercise and productivity category, the company is seeking to design devices that are as light as possible. This might come at performance trade-offs, but it promises to offer users unparalleled comfort and convenience. This particular nugget suggests Meta’s grasp of the different aspects and requirements of the market, and how they plan on accommodating these niches.

Furthermore, Zuckerberg mentioned the development of gaming-oriented headset versions. These aim to meet the needs of gamers who continue to demand more immersive and interactive experiences from their games.

Looking Forward

In conclusion, this move by Meta represents an exciting phase in the race towards mixed reality dominance. By opening up its operating system to other companies, it provides an opportune playground for innovation. Not only does it allow for the creation of more specialized headsets for diverse needs, but it also facilitates an industry-wide progress in realizing the full potential of mixed reality.

Nevertheless, as we look to the future, several questions remain. How will other tech companies respond to Meta’s offer? How might this impact the landscape of virtual and mixed reality technology? Only time will reveal the true impact of this strategy, and we will be here updating you on every significant development in this exciting journey. As we wait for more details to unfold, the promise of a new era of immersive and versatile technology looms large.

With Horizon OS, Meta is paving the way for the next chapter in mixed reality headsets and spearheading the quest towards more purpose-specific devices. We are standing at the dawn of a new reality, brought to you by the vivid imagination of technology pioneers and their relentless pursuit of innovation and progress. Make sure to stay tuned for updates on this path-breaking initiative from Meta.


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