Google has announced a major improvement to their Google Chrome web browser. The latest version of Chrome will process reloading web pages by reducing the number of validation requests. Ultimately, speeding up the web browser’s speed by nearly 30%.
Reloading is one of the most common functions internet users use while, surfing the web. Over the years, webmasters have developed new tools to improve the quality of web pages. This has led Google to change the way the company handles how it processes reload requests.
Initially, a browser checks the web server to see if cached resources are still usable. This is called validation. A usual website has hundreds of validation requests on every page. It takes a longer time for a web page to be displayed especially on mobile devices, if it has too many validation requests. However, with the latest version of Chrome, web pages are able to load nearly 30% faster. In addition, have 50% less validation requests.
If you are reloading a page on Facebook, a large majority of the page elements are going to be the same. Facebook informed Google that Chrome was sending validation requests three more times the rate of other browsers. As a result, Google did something about it. Following Google’s upgrade, web pages now load 28% faster and feature 60% less validation requests on Google Chrome.
“We hope this faster reload will come in handy whenever you want to get the latest content on your favorite website or quickly recover from a flaky connection in the subway,” Takashi Toyoshima reported on Google Chrome’s blog.
Google Chrome
Google first released their very own web browser nearly a decade ago. Now, the company reports that 63% of all internet users use Google Chrome. Following the success of Google Chrome, the search engine giant attached “Chrome” to other products such as the Chromecast, Chromebook, and other “Chrome” branded products.