China Sends Their First X-Ray Telescope to Find Black Holes

China will send their first X-RAY telescope into space to study black holes. On Thursday, China released their first X-ray space telescope. The new telescope will study black holes and gamma ray bursts in space. Also, scientists will be able to measure magnetic fields and how black holes operate.

The satellite used a Long March-4B rocket and was launched from China’s Gobi Desert at 11 am. The Hard X-ray Modulation Telescope named Insight will now allow researchers to observe the inside of pulsars, gamma-ray bursts, and black holes.

Research into gamma-ray bursts will allow for scientists to better understand gravitational waves and how to use pulsars for space navigation.

Zhang Shuangnan, the lead researcher,  told reporters they are excited to further study black holes, gravity, and laws of physics.

“We are looking forward to discovering new activities of black holes and studying the state of neutron stars under extreme gravity and density conditions, and physical laws under extreme magnetic fields. These studies are expected to bring new breakthroughs in physics.”

How does the new telescope work?

The new telescope will be able to see new black hole activity by scanning the Milky Way galaxy for areas that emit X-rays. In comparison to other countries telescopes, Insight will have a broader range and larger detection area. As a result, researchers will be the technology to find gamma-ray bursts, pulsars, and black holes more efficiently.

China Space Program
Roiet, Thailand – Aug 23, 2016 : Kindergarten students walk past The Space exposition by China National Space Administration(CNSA) at Roiet Science Centre, Thailand (Akarat Phasura /

China’s Space Program

China is investing billions of dollars in their space program. Earlier this year, China’s first cargo spacecraft was docked with an orbiting space lab as the country is working on having their own crewed space station by 2022. Earlier this week, Chinese researchers were able to recreate a “spooky” space physical phenomenon, which could change data encryption forever.


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